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Kosher Certification

The word kosher means proper or acceptable and it has informally entered the English language with that meaning. But kosher laws have their origin in the Bible, and are detailed in the Talmud and the other codes of Jewish traditions. They have been applied through the centuries to ever-changing situations, and these rulings, both ancient and modern kosher certification.

Kosher certification is a process by which a company ensures that their food is kosher, or in other words, fit for consumption by observant Jews. Kosher refers to a religious dietary practice that is rooted in Jewish tradition. Contrary to popular belief, kosher food does not refer to Jewish cuisine. Even Thai food can be kosher if it is prepared in accordance with kosher laws, just as Jewish food can be non-kosher if it is not prepared in accordance with those laws.

Kosher laws are more complicated than they seem, especially now that modern technology has come into play. Take for instance, potato chips, which you’d think would be kosher since they aren’t made from foods forbidden by the Torah. Potato chips can actually be considered non-kosher if they are fried in vegetable oil that was pasteurized and deodorized with equipment that has been used for tallow production.

Did you know that the majority of consumers who buy certified kosher products do so because of perceived quality and safety rather than for religious reasons? Obtaining kosher certification will help you increase sales substantially because of the rising popularity of kosher food. An increasing number of people are adopting kosher food because the kosher certification has become recognized as a symbol of purity, safety, cleanliness, and quality. By having your products labelled with the kosher certification, you can open up the possibility of attracting new clientele.